1️⃣ Shopping

πŸ‘©β€πŸŽ€ NORAH JONES ReadoutΒΆ

We are looking at the readout block of our NORAH JONES sequence /Sequence/CartesianReadout3D.spv. If you are an OSX user, you can inspect sequence components using SpinBench!

We have 100 acquisitions (or TRs or Phase Encodings) that are ordered outside-in to sample the center of the k-space the latest (steady-state). At each acquisition we have 100 samples. NORAH JONES sequence acquires all 4 images in this fashion, at the same location. You can see all the readout parameters below:


2️⃣ Mise en place

Let’s read and parse the data using NumPy relying purely on metadata provided by python-ismrmrd.

Import ISMRM-RD modules 🧲¢

from ismrmrd import Dataset as read_ismrmrd
from ismrmrd.xsd import CreateFromDocument as parse_ismrmd_header
import numpy as np
import plotly.express as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
/Users/agah/opt/anaconda3/envs/jbnew/lib/python3.6/importlib/_bootstrap.py:219: RuntimeWarning: numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 192 from C header, got 216 from PyObject
  return f(*args, **kwds)
/Users/agah/opt/anaconda3/envs/jbnew/lib/python3.6/importlib/_bootstrap.py:219: RuntimeWarning:

numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 192 from C header, got 216 from PyObject
/Users/agah/opt/anaconda3/envs/jbnew/lib/python3.6/importlib/_bootstrap.py:219: RuntimeWarning:

numpy.ufunc size changed, may indicate binary incompatibility. Expected 192 from C header, got 216 from PyObject

Create a simple list storing file names πŸ—‚ΒΆ

files = list()
for chord in ['chord1','chord2','chord3','chord4']:
    files.append('../KSpace/sub-ismrm_ses-sunrise_acq-' + chord + '.h5')

Explore acq-chord1 file πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈΒΆ

Read data & parse headerΒΆ

# Read the first file to explore data
dset = read_ismrmrd(files[0], 'dataset')

# Parse header 
header = parse_ismrmd_header(dset.read_xml_header())

# See what's in the header
print('header has:',list(vars(header).keys()))
print('header.encoding[0] has:',list(vars(header.encoding[0]).keys()))
header has: ['version', 'subjectInformation', 'studyInformation', 'measurementInformation', 'acquisitionSystemInformation', 'experimentalConditions', 'encoding', 'sequenceParameters', 'userParameters', 'waveformInformation']
header.encoding[0] has: ['encodedSpace', 'reconSpace', 'encodingLimits', 'trajectory', 'trajectoryDescription', 'parallelImaging', 'echoTrainLength']

Grab some useful metadata valuesΒΆ

nX = header.encoding[0].encodedSpace.matrixSize.x
nY = header.encoding[0].encodedSpace.matrixSize.y
nZ = header.encoding[0].encodedSpace.matrixSize.z
nCoils = header.acquisitionSystemInformation.receiverChannels
print('nX: ', nX,'nY: ', nY,'nZ: ', nZ, 'nCoils: ', nCoils)
nX:  100 nY:  100 nZ:  1 nCoils:  16

Initialize a 3D NumPy matrix to store multi-channel raw data πŸ—ƒΒΆ

We already know the dimensions! Given that we expect complex data, we can set dtype=complex64 😎 For simplicity I will omit nZ (we have one slice).

raw = np.zeros((nCoils, nX, nY), dtype=np.complex64)
print('Raw data shape: ', raw.shape)
Raw data shape:  (16, 100, 100)

Loop over acquisitions to fill out rawΒΆ

The dset object we created from the ISMRM-RD Dataset (we used alias read_ismrmrd) class has an important method: read_acquisition. We will loop over nY to read k-space stripes (cartesian) one by one.

for tr in range(nY):
    raw[:,:,tr] = dset.read_acquisition(tr).data

Is not Plotly simply amazing?ΒΆ

This feature has been introduced in v4.14.0: with a single line of code you can animate or grid display 3D data.

fig = px.imshow(raw.real,animation_frame=0, color_continuous_scale='viridis', labels=dict(animation_frame="Channel"),template='plotly_dark')
fig.update_layout(title='Channel Raw')

3️⃣ Time to perform a modest reconstruction :)

from scipy.fft import fft2, fftshift
from scipy import ndimage

Loop over channels and fft2ΒΆ

Tip: remove fftshift from fourier_ellipsoid function call, set filter size > 20, then play the animation along with your remix from the first notebook 🎡🎢

im = np.zeros(raw.shape)

# Let's apply some ellipsoid filter. 
raw = ndimage.fourier_ellipsoid(fftshift(raw),size=2)
#raw = ndimage.fourier_ellipsoid(raw,size=2)

for ch in range(nCoils):
    # Comment in and see what it gives 
    im[ch,:,:] = abs(fftshift(fft2(raw[ch,:,:])))
    # Normalize 
    im[ch,:,:] /= im[ch,:,:].max()
fig = px.imshow(im,color_continuous_scale='viridis', animation_frame=0,template='plotly_dark')
fig.update_layout(title='Channel Recon').show()
im_sos = np.sqrt(np.sum(im*np.conj(im),axis=0))
# Normalize
im_sos /= im_sos.max()

# Crop a bit 
fig = px.imshow(im_sos[10:90,0:80],template='plotly_dark',color_continuous_scale='viridis')
fig.update_layout(title='Sum of Squares Combine')


  • Rotate/flip images

  • Reconstruct SoS images for every TR by writing some functions and collect them into a 3D matrix.

    • Display voxel intensity changes over TRs at the center of each (14) sphere