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🔪 NumPy basics

Visit the reference blog post for more examples.

If you have lolviz and its dependencies intalled properly, arrayviz function will show you a visual representation of the array. If not, you will see the print output.

import numpy as np

# Import NumPy 
import numpy as np   
# A tiny exception block
    from lolviz import listviz as lolist
    print('Lolviz is not enabled.')

# Pictorial representation of arrays   
def arrayviz(inp): 
        out = lolist(inp)
        return out
    except Exception as e:
# Let's create an array
my_array = np.array([11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88])

# Other data types
# my_array = np.array([11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88],dtype=np.complex64)
# my_array = np.array([11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88],dtype=np.float64)

# Transpose of a 1D aray has the same shape 
# my_array = my_array.T

print("Number of dimensions: ", my_array.ndim)
print("Array shape (row,col): ", my_array.shape)
print("Array size (number of elements): ", my_array.size)
print("Array data type", my_array.dtype)
print("Item size in bytes", my_array.itemsize)

Number of dimensions:  1
Array shape (row,col):  (8,)
Array size (number of elements):  8
Array data type int64
Item size in bytes 8
Array arithmetic operations
my_array = np.array([11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88])
your_array = np.array([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]) # Must be the same length with my_array

print('Add: ', my_array + your_array,
      '\nSubtract: ', my_array - your_array,
      '\nMultiply: ', my_array * your_array,
      '\nDivide: ', my_array/your_array,
      '\nFloor divide: ', my_array//your_array,
      '\nPower: ', my_array**your_array
Add:  [12 24 36 48 60 72 84 96] 
Subtract:  [10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80] 
Multiply:  [ 11  44  99 176 275 396 539 704] 
Divide:  [11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11. 11.] 
Floor divide:  [11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11] 
Power:  [              11              484            35937          3748096
        503284375      82653950016   16048523266853 3596345248055296]

Array creation routines

array empty zeros ones linspace arange full

my_array = np.arange(11,88,11)
Start from 11 and return values with increments
of 11 until 89 is reached. 
print('np.arange: ')
my_array = np.linspace(11,88,5).astype('int16') # Without .astype, it'll return float 
Return 8 evenly spaced numbers over 11-88 interval
print('np.linspace: ')
zrs  = np.zeros(8) # Returns of array of zeros with 8 elements
print('np.zeros: ') 
ones  = np.ones(8).astype('int16') # Returns of array of ones with 8 elements
print('np.ones: ')
full  = np.full(8,10) # Returns of array of desired value with 8 elements
print('np.full: ')
empty  = np.empty(8)
Returns of array of 8 elements w ithout EXPLICITLY INITIALIZING it with certain values
The values we'll see are arbitrary, i.e. as they exist in the memory address allocated for our array.  
print('np.empty: ')

NumPy provides us with:

  • A versatile chef’s knife to slice our data as we like (slicing)

  • All the cookware to organize them (data types)

  • Easy way to access what we need, when we need (indexing)


my_array = np.arange(11,89,11)

my_array2 = my_array # WARNING! This will create a "shallow" copy (just another pointer to the same array) 

my_array2 *= 2 # Equivalent of my_array = my_array * 2


As you can see, changes we made on my_array2 reflected on my_array as well. 
To create an "independent" clone, we can use deep copy
import copy
my_array = np.arange(11,89,11) # Create a fresh instance  

my_array2 = copy.deepcopy(my_array) # Now my_array2 is NOT a pointer to my_array

my_array2 *= 2 # // is floor devision operator 

print('Original: ', my_array, 'Deep-copied, modified: ',my_array2)
Original:  [11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88] Deep-copied, modified:  [ 22  44  66  88 110 132 154 176]


Cherrypick an element  

first = my_array[0]
last =  my_array[-1]
print('First element: ', first, 'Last element', last)
First element:  11 Last element 88



portion_from_start = my_array[:3] # Eqv my_array[0:3]
print('First portion: ', portion_from_start)

portion_from_end   = my_array[5:] # Eqv my_array[5:-1]
print('Last portion: ', portion_from_end)

interleave_odd = my_array[::2] # Eqv my_array[0::2]
print('Interleaved odd: ', interleave_odd)

interleave_even = my_array[1::2]
print('Interleaved even: ', interleave_even)

reverse = my_array[::-1]
print('Reversed: ', reverse)
First portion:  [11 22 33]
Last portion:  [66 77 88]
Interleaved odd:  [11 33 55 77]
Interleaved even:  [22 44 66 88]
Reversed:  [88 77 66 55 44 33 22 11]

In-place filtering

In-place filtering
my_array = np.arange(11,89,11)

my_array[((my_array<50) & (my_array>20))] = 0


Aggregation functions

Aggregation functions   

my_array = np.arange(11,89,11)

    "\n min: ", my_array.min(),       # Returns the minimum element itself
    "\n max: ", my_array.max(),       # Returns the maximum element itself
    "\n argmin: ", my_array.argmin(), # Returns the index of the minimum element in the array
    "\n argmax: ", my_array.argmax(), # Returns the index of the maximum element in the array
    "\n std: ", my_array.std(),       # Returns the standard deviation of the array 
    "\n sum: ", my_array.sum(),       # Returns the sum of the elements in the array  
    "\n prod: ",,     # Returns the product of the elements in the array 
    "\n mean: ", my_array.mean()

 min:  11 
 max:  88 
 argmin:  0 
 argmax:  7 
 std:  25.20416632225712 
 sum:  396 
 prod:  8642950081920 
 mean:  49.5

NumPy aggregation vs Python native

To see whether np.max() is faster, first we need to create a larger array. Then, we’ll use %timeit magic to see which one outperforms the other 🏎

test = np.random.rand(10000)
One important note about random number generation
If you'd like that "randomness" reproduce, you need to
seed numpy random number generator

print('Numpy aggregation')

%timeit -n 500 mx = test.max()

print('Python native')

%timeit -n 500 mx2 = max(test)
Numpy aggregation
5.53 µs ± 368 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 500 loops each)
Python native
713 µs ± 9.49 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 500 loops each)

🔊 Acoustic dissonance

1️⃣ Shopping

Know your data at least at the level you are dealing with it!

Please bear with me here for a while, because we’ll be dealing with *wav files at a somewhat low-level.

For demonstration, we will write a small function that can read and parse *.wav files into a NumPy array.

This step has no coding. Yet, having some insights about your data beforehand gives you a great headstart for the next step!

So, in a manner of speaking, semantics will do 🙃 If Nouvelle Vague is not your cup of tea, maybe this is:

BOLDplay - Fix it 🎶

When you try your best, but you can't debug
When p<0.0000000000000000000000000001, and you are not comfortable with it
When you read the code, but it seems OK
Stuck in limbo

When you smell something fishy about your custom reader
When you analyze for days, but it goes to waste
What could be worse?

Data standards will guide you home
And validate your data
And you won't need to fix it

👉 WavMRI/EPI.wav is a stereo (2 channels) recording of the acoustic noise EPI gradient pulses make, sampled at 44.1kHz for 7.42 seconds. Saved at 16bit depth. This is how I know (Garageband):

\[ nSamples = frameRate \ (Hz) * duration \ (s) \]
\[ 327547 \approx 44100 * 7.42 \]

Thus, we should expect an array with a length of 655094 = 327547 (samples) X 2 (stereo means 2 channels)

The number of bytes per sample is 16(bits)/8 = 2

The *.wav file contains these information pieces in the header, describing the format of the sound information stored in the data chunk:

field name



The number of channels in the wave file (mono = 1, stereo = 2)


The number of bytes per sample


The number of frames per second (a.k.a sampling frequency)


The number of frames in the data stream (a.k.a number of samples)


A string object containing the bytes of the data stream

\[ dataSize \ (byte) = nSamples * nChannels * sampWidth \]
\[ 327547*2*2 = 1310188 \ (bytes) \approx 1.3 \ (MB) \]

\[ TFW \ what \ you \ know \ about \ the \ data \ makes \ sense \]

2️⃣ Mise en place

We did the shopping!

*.wav is still a popular data format among music producers. So we are using fresh ingridients to compose our magnetic melodies, way to go! 👩‍🍳

Now it is time to combine our *.wav knowledge with our NumPy skills to create an object that we can hear.

Before coding, we should relate our knowledge about the data with the docs of the module we’ll use to read it!

👉 Click this line to expand the API documentation of wave module. See how objects returned by open can access header and data of a *.wav file!

from wave import open as open_wave

Open "WavMRI/EPI.wav" file in read mode

fp = open_wave("../WavMRI/EPI.wav", "r")

Use wave module's methods to read metadata 
nchannels = fp.getnchannels()
nframes = fp.getnframes()
framerate = fp.getframerate()
sampwidthbyte = fp.getsampwidth()

print("nChannels: ", nchannels , "\nnFrames: " , nframes, "\nframerate: ",framerate, "\nsampwidth in bytes: ",sampwidthbyte)


We read machine-byte ordered data into
z_str = fp.readframes(nframes)



Expected number of frames per channel was 327547 (fSamp * duration)
Expected content size was about 1.3MB 
print( "BOX CONTENT SIZE", len(z_str), '\nBOX CONTENT: ', z_str[:20])
nChannels:  2 
nFrames:  327547 
framerate:  44100 
sampwidth in bytes:  2
BOX CONTENT:  b':#:#e;e;\x0eQ\x0eQZbZb\xc0n\xc0n'
We already know that the data is recorded in 16bit. But we can also 
infer it from the metadata 

print('Each entry is ', sampwidthbyte * 8, ' bits. (1 byte = 8 bits)')


We can't use np.array, we need to use 
frombuffer as we are reading machine-byte 
ordered data. 
sgnl = np.frombuffer(z_str, dtype=np.int16)    

One line of code for interactive plots!  
NOTE that I plot 1 in every 50 samples. This is just to make things faster. 
import as px
fig = px.line(sgnl[::50],template='plotly_dark',title='STEREO')
Each entry is  16  bits. (1 byte = 8 bits)
Order: Ch1, Ch2, Ch1, Ch2....

sgnl = sgnl[::2]

# Again, plotting 1/50 samples
fig = px.line(sgnl[::50],template='plotly_dark',title='MONO')
Use IPython's Audio module
from IPython.display import Audio
hear = Audio(data=sgnl,rate=framerate)

🎶 Helper functions

  • read_wave(filename) Reads *.wav file to return:

    • ys Audio signal (mono)

    • framerate Sampling frequency

    • ts Time points

  • normalize(ys,amp) Normalizes audio signal amplitude to a user defined range (amp):

    • ys Normalized audio signal

  • make_audio(ys,amp) Takes ys and framerate and returns an eenie meenie media player.

  • load_audio(filename,rate_factor=1,duration=0,volume=1)

    • Inputs

      • filename Wav file

      • rate_factor Multiplied with sampling freq during make_audio step. (>1 higher & faster, vice versa)

      • duration Trims audio [0:duration], yeah just that.

      • volume Normalization range (Use 1 max)

    • Output (dict)

      • ['signal'] Audio signal

      • ['time'] Time pts

      • ['fsamp'] Sampling frequency

      • ['duration'] Shows you the importance of reading docs. Duration of the audio in seconds

      • ['play'] Weeny IPython media player that can play the loaded file

  • fastforward(ys, factor) Speeds up the audio by re-arranging sound samples.

def read_wave(filename):
    Now we have a tiny function that can
    load 16bit wav files into a numpy array.
    It also returns its time axis and sampling
    fp = open_wave(filename, "r")
    nchannels = fp.getnchannels()
    nframes = fp.getnframes()
    framerate = fp.getframerate()
    z_str = fp.readframes(nframes)
    # We assume that data is always 16bits. Change this to
    # int64 and see what happens :) 
    ys = np.frombuffer(z_str, dtype=np.int16)    
    if nchannels == 2:
        ys = ys[::2]
    ts = np.arange(ys.size)/framerate
    return ys, framerate,ts

def normalize(ys, amp=1.0):
    Amplitude range of the *.wav files we load
    is random. This function will be useful when
    we are combining tracks and would like to hear 
    some of them less/more in the mix. 
    # TASK: Use NumPy aggregation functions :) 
    high, low = abs(max(ys)), abs(min(ys))
    # Broadcasting
    return amp * ys / max(high, low)

def make_audio(ys,frame_rate):
    To hear *.wav files we load into np.arrays,
    we need to create an IPython Audio object. 
    audio = Audio(data=ys,rate=frame_rate)
    return audio

def load_audio(filename,rate_factor=1,duration=0,volume=1):
    filename:    *.wav file 
    rate_factor: Changes sampling frequency at the audio
                 generation step. This changes the frequency
                 but also impacts the play duration.[0,inf)
    duration:    Trims audio at a desired time point (s).                    
    volume:      Normalizes signal amplitude [0-1] 
    ys, fs, ts = read_wave(filename)
    if duration is not 0: 
        # Type casting, broadcasting
        cut = np.floor(fs*duration).astype('int')
        # Slicing
        ys = ys[:cut]
        ts = ts[:cut]
    ys = normalize(ys,volume)
    audio = dict(
                signal = ys,
                time = ts,
                fsamp = fs,
                duration = ys.size/fs,
                play = make_audio(ys,fs*rate_factor))
    return audio

def fastforward(ys, factor):
    Fast forwards the audio (ys) without messing with the
    sampling frequency.
    idx = np.round( np.arange(0, ys.size, factor) )
    idx = idx[idx < ys.size].astype(int)
    return ys[ idx.astype(int) ]

The following code block requires a runtime, therefore won’t be rendered offline. You can toggle it to see the code. Please start an interactive session if you would like to execute.

A really simple interactive visualization
If you'd like to learn more about interactive dataviz
import plotly.graph_objects as go 
from pandas import DataFrame as pd 
from ipywidgets import interact 

USE load_audio
temp = load_audio('../WavMRI/EPI.wav')

df = pd.from_dict(dict(time = temp['time'][::50], signal = temp['signal'][::50]))

fig = px.line(df,x='time',y='signal',
              template='plotly_dark', title="EPI acoustic noise, Normalized")


# All Plotly charts have click, hover and zoom events which can be accessed 
# by go.FigureWidget using Jupyter Widgets
# Here we create a FigureWidget object (f2) that communicates with our interactive 
# figure (fig).
f2 = go.FigureWidget(fig)

# @interact decorates the volume_plot function. y=(0.0,1.0) informs ipywidgets to 
# create a slider, whose value (y) will update[0].y (y data of the plotly figure object)
# whenever the slider is changed.
def volume_plot(y):
    CALL normalize each time the slider is moved
    #[0] means that the first trace that is stored in this figure.
    # .y denotes the y axis, to update x,[0].x etc.
    # There are many other attributes we can update, including the figure layout 
    # axes limits, portion of the data displayed...
    # For more examples:[0].y = normalize(temp['signal'][::50],y)

Music & frequency

Do you remember Nokia 3310 music composer? See this masterpiece!

If you don’t know what Nokia 3310 is, it means that I’m getting old. Anyway, I just wanted to appreciate the “sophistication” in that nostalgic composer. You’ll see that adjusting tone, duration & tempo is not that easy.

🧲 Jingle gradients

def jingle_gradients(filename, dur):
    samp_s = load_audio(filename,rate_factor=1,duration=dur, volume=1)
    # Feel free to change this notes array :)  
    fake_notes = np.array([1,1,1,1,1,1,1.06**3,
    I called them fake because we are changing them by speeding up
    the audio signal. This does not easily allow us to set durations 
    (notes change otherwise).

    1.06 is the factor for one halftone up (sharp)
    1.06**2 --> 2 halftones up
    0.94 is the factor for one halftone down (flat)
    0.94**3 --> 3 halftones down etc.
    a = fastforward(samp_s['signal'], 1)
    for note in fake_notes:
        b = fastforward(samp_s['signal'], note)
        a = np.hstack((a,b))
    return a

Change the MRI sample to play Jingle Bells 
with a different sequence :)
#jingle = jingle_gradients('../WavMRI/CINE_cartesian_SSFP.wav',0.2)
jingle = jingle_gradients('../WavMRI/EPI.wav',0.2)
#jingle = jingle_gradients('../WavMRI/BEAT.wav',0.2)

If you add up different sequence noise, it won't be harmonic. 
Amplitude modulation

def f(t, f_c, f_m, beta):
    t    = time
    f_c  = carrier frequency
    f_m  = modulation frequency
    beta = modulation index
    return np.sin(2*np.pi*f_c*t - beta*np.cos(2*f_m*np.pi*t))

def to_integer(signal):
    Take samples in [-1, 1] and scale to 16-bit integers,
    values between -2^15 and 2^15 - 1.
    return np.int16(signal*(2**15 - 1))

N = 44100
x = np.arange(3*N) # three seconds of audio

siren = f(x/N, 1500, 3, 100)

🙌 Exercise: Wav signal & pure tones

Generate a pure tone using np.sin that has the same duration with a sound sample of your choice, then multiply/add them to see what it gives. You need to unlock the code cell first by achieveing this simple task:

TASK: Assign tduration with the duration of the signal (in seconds, but be accurate!)

👂 Test your musical ear

Change the sin_freq with small increments, and see after how many Hz you’ll distinguish the sine tone from the SPGR noise. 164Hz is the next note (E3). If you can tell them before that, you have an ear for eastern music, if you cannot tell it after 164Hz, you may be tone deaf 👀

  • Set sin_freq to 155 (D#3)

  • Load 3DSPGR_TR12ms.wav

  • Use result = my_sound['signal'] + sin_wave

  • Play and see if they are attuned ;)


You can use this approach to find out the dominant sound frequency of a pulse sequence of your choice.


Use click to show toggle below to see the exercise.

# TASK: Assign tduration with the duration of the signal (in seconds, but be accurate!)

#my_sound = load_audio('../WavMRI/3DSPGR_TR12ms.wav') # Select one from WavMRI folder


#sin_freq = 10
#Choose a lower (e.g. 2) or a higher (e.g. 1000) sin_freq and see how they affect the output.

#sf = my_sound['fsamp'] 

#sin_wave = (np.sin(2*np.pi*np.arange(sf*tduration)*sin_freq/sf))/2
# Tip: You can try other trigonometric functions in numpy as well :) 

#result = my_sound['signal'] * sin_wave
# Tip: Add, subtract & multiply your sound with this sin_wave

#make_audio(result,my_sound['fsamp']) # Hear it!

🙌 Exercise: Convolution

Ever heard about reverbation? It is a highly popular sound effect for instruments and vocals.

Reverb lets you transport a listener to a concert hall, a cave, a cathedral, or an intimate performance space.

Sounds exactly like what we need in 2021. We have some time domain impulse responses (IR) that can even take you to outer space (WavIR/OnAStar.wav) 🌟 Wait… What’s a time-domain IR? Gunshot, clap, balloon pop… You can imagine how these sounds “characterize” their environment. Gunshot in a studio vs gunshot in a large hallway. When you convolve your audio with the former one, you’ll get a “dry” sound. Convolution with the latter one yields a “wet” sound.

See the contents of WavIR folder, select one of them, then convolve it with a sound from WavMRI, WavGuitar or WavVocal

You will use np.convolve:

Signature: np.convolve(a, v, mode='full')
Returns the discrete, linear convolution of two one-dimensional sequences.

The convolution operator is often seen in signal processing, where it
models the effect of a linear time-invariant system on a signal [1]_.  In
probability theory, the sum of two independent random variables is
distributed according to the convolution of their individual

If `v` is longer than `a`, the arrays are swapped before computation.


Use click to show toggle before to see the exercise.

#Perform convolution here, then play it! 

a = load_audio('../WavVocal/SUNRISE_BENGU.wav')
# v = load_audio('WavIR/your_choice_of_IR.wav')

# convolved = use np.convolve here

# make_audio(convolved,44100)

Let's hear NOt RApid Honestly JOyful NEvertheleSs (NORAH JONES) sequence

But first, we will combine the guitar melody (🎸 WavGuitar/SUNRISE.wav) with vocals 🎙 artfully recorded by Bengu Aktas exclusively for this course. Thank you Bengu!

vocal = load_audio('../WavVocal/SUNRISE_BENGU.wav')
guitar = load_audio('../WavGuitar/SUNRISE_GUITAR.wav')
Remember array arithmetics, arrays should be of equal size
We can use np.padding on vocal 
pad_size = guitar['signal'].size - vocal['signal'].size # Find out how much longer is the guitar track 
vocal_padded = np.pad(vocal['signal'], (0, pad_size), 'constant') # Add that many zeros at the end of the vocal track

make_audio(vocal_padded + guitar['signal'],44100) # Make a new audio by adding them


Time to hear the acoustic noise NORAH JONES sequence makes and hear (imaginary) feedback from Norah Jones

Pulse sequence

from IPython.display import IFrame
vid = IFrame('',560,315)

We have two problems to solve

  1. Duration The original duration of the first verse (Sunrise, sunrise, looks like morning in your eyes…) is about 13 seconds (WavGuitar/SUNRISE.wav), but NORAH JONES sequence played it for 4 seconds only. Not that slow afterall :)

  2. Frequency 4 different tones we heard were supposed to match the keynotes of the original chords, but not all of them did.

target = load_audio('../REMIX/SUNRISE_SPGR_VERSE1.wav')

3️⃣ Bring in the chefs

To go from the time to the frequency domain, we’ll invite SciPy chefs to help us out with signal processing.

from scipy import signal
from scipy.fft import fftshift, fft, ifftshift, ifft
import scipy.fftpack as fftpack
import plotly.graph_objects as go

Frequency spectrum

fftshift(fft(mri_orig['signal'])) --> 1D FFT 
fftshift(fftpack.fftfreq(mri_orig['signal'].size)) --> Sample frequencies

mri_orig  = load_audio('../WavMRI/EPI.wav') 
Try other sequences!

from pandas import DataFrame as pd

# 1D FFT
X = fftshift(fft(mri_orig['signal']))

# Sample frequencies 
freqs = fftshift(fftpack.fftfreq(mri_orig['signal'].size)) * mri_orig['fsamp']

df = pd.from_dict(dict(
                    Frequency = freqs,
                    Magnitude = X.real,
                    Phase = np.angle(X)/np.pi

# Real component (yellow)
# You can change y='Phase to show phase instead'
fig = px.line(df,x='Frequency',y='Magnitude',
              template='plotly_dark', title="Frequency Spectrum (0-20kHz as fs is 44.1kHz), please zoom in.")


Power spectral density


Welch’s method computes an estimate of the power spectral density by dividing 
the data into overlapping segments, computing a modified periodogram 
for each segment and averaging the periodograms.


f, psd = signal.welch(mri_orig['signal'], mri_orig['fsamp'], 'flattop', 1024, scaling='spectrum',return_onesided=False)

df = pd.from_dict(dict(
                    Frequency = f,
                    PSD = psd

fig = px.line(df,x='Frequency',y='PSD',
              template='plotly_dark', title="Power Spectral Density (0-20kHz as fs is 44.1kHz), please zoom in.")


Spectrograms can be used as a way of visualizing the change of 
a nonstationary signal’s frequency content over time.

f, t, Sxx = signal.spectrogram(mri_orig['signal'], mri_orig['fsamp'],scaling='spectrum')
fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap(
fig.update_xaxes(title = 'Time (s)')
fig.update_yaxes(title = 'Frequency (Hz)')
fig.update_layout(title = 'Spectogram')


Reverb effect

The exercise above asked you to perform convolution in time domain to achieve this effect. Here’ well do the same thing by multiplication in the frequency domain.

guitar  = load_audio('../WavGuitar/SUNRISE_GUITAR.wav')

star  = load_audio('../WavIR/OnAStar.wav')
Try other reverb IRs: 

def zero_pad(x, k):
    Inputs must be of the same size.  
    Exercise: You can also use np.pad :) 
    return np.append(x, np.zeros(k))

# Zero padding
G, S = guitar['signal'].size, star['signal'].size
g_zp = zero_pad(guitar['signal'], S-1)
s_zp = zero_pad(star['signal'], G-1)

# FFT for guitar 
X = fft(g_zp)
# Inverse (real) FFT guitar after multiplying it with the FFT of the reverb IR 
output = ifft(X * fft(s_zp)).real
# Depending on the IR, output can be longer, it'll become clearer when you hear it
output = output + g_zp

# Let's hear! 

Challenge: Maintain the tempo, modulate the pitch

Sound stretching using Phase Vocoder method (Laroche and Dalson 1999)

You first break the sound into overlapping bits, and you rearrange these bits so that they will overlap even more (if you want to shorten the sound) or less (if you want to stretch the sound), like in this figure:

For a more technical reading, see this article.

  • Divide signal into multiple windows

    • We’ll take window_size as an input, it must be a power of 2 (FFT)

  • Set an overlapping factor (h) a.k.a. “hop size”

    • Method requires us to create overlapping slices

  • Select a windowing function

    • This [article](article suggests Hanning, NumPy got us covered yet again.

  • Let user decide stretching factor (f).

    • For example, f=0.5 twofold lengthens the signal

Daft Punk is known for their famous Vocoder effects

from IPython.display import IFrame
vid = IFrame('',560,315)
def stretch(sound_array, f, window_size, h):
    """ Stretches the sound by a factor `f` """
    phase  = np.zeros(window_size)
    hanning_window = np.hanning(window_size)
    result = np.zeros( int(sound_array.size//f) + window_size)

    for i in np.arange(0, sound_array.size-(window_size+h), int(h*f)): # You already know what np.arange does! 
        # Create overlapping arrays 
        a1 = sound_array[i: i + window_size] # First block 
        a2 = sound_array[i + h: i + window_size + h] # Shifted block 
        # Multiply with Hanning window, then fft 
        s1 =  np.fft.fft(hanning_window * a1) # First block in freq domain
        s2 =  np.fft.fft(hanning_window * a2) # Shifted block in freq domain 
        This part is really MRI sciency!!!!!  
        phase = (phase + np.angle(s2/s1)) % 2*np.pi
        (2pi X phase_difference) between overlapping blocks
        Note that phase differences are tracked across windows (SUM), we are in a for loop. This was 
        supposed to be done more elegantly. Our pitch corrected signal will sound crispy. 
        a2_rephased = abs(np.fft.ifft(np.abs(s2)*np.exp(1j*phase)))
        If we multiply the shifted frequency block by e^(2pi * i * phase_offset)...
        we correct for the phase difference, sounds familiar? :))  
        # /Stretch/Accumulate/arrange outputs
        i2 = int(i/f)
        result[i2 : i2 + window_size] += hanning_window*a2_rephased 
    result = ((2**(16-4)) * result/result.max()) # normalize (16bit)
    return result.astype('int16')

def pitchshift(snd_array, n, window_size=2**13, h=2**11): 
    """ Changes the pitch of a sound by ``n`` semitones. """
    factor = 2**(1.0 * n / 12.0)
    stretched = stretch(snd_array, 1.0/factor, window_size, h)
    return fastforward(stretched[window_size:], factor)
This implementation is not robust & really functional at all. It probably 
won't even work for other audio files. 
pitch_me  = load_audio('../WavMRI/EPI.wav') 
pitched = pitchshift(pitch_me['signal'],3)

A really important lesson about scientific computing in Python

Python is a full spectrum programming language. As of today, there are 235,000 packages served by PyPI (pip) alone!

If you know the right keywords, make an informed Google search. More often than not, you'll find a Python package for what you are looking for.

Given that I was not happy with the pitchshift implementation above, I did my Google search and found an amazing package tailored for music DSP:

A chef specialized in the audio cuisine!

import librosa

vocal  = load_audio('../WavVocal/SUNRISE_BENGU.wav')
vocal_octave = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(vocal['signal'], vocal['fsamp'], n_steps=-7)
No chipmunk transformation :) 

vocal_slow = librosa.effects.time_stretch(vocal['signal'], 1.5)

Singing Sunrise in the perfect fifth

A Python-powered COVID-safe duet

Do not miss out this musical explanation of spherical harmonics.

The term “singing in the perfect fifth” refers to two vocalists performing a duet 7 semitones apart.

If I were singing along with Bengu, my key would have been low-pitched. Yet, I would not be able to sing from one octave lower (12 semitones), I am not that good of a singer.

Although it violates the rules of perfect resonance as we know, there’s a second perfect harmonic tone (any many other harmonics) in music!

When we down-pitch Bengu’s voice by 7 semitones, we transpose the key from A# to D# (IV in the figure above). Conversely, when we go 7 halftones up, we transpose the key from A# to E# (V in the figure above). Both D# and E# are in the major scale, hence the circle of fifths! Surprise, surprise, both notes are in the chord progression of the original song as well :)

Let’s pitch Bengu’s voice by 7 halftones using librosa and pretend that’s me. We already know how to overlay multiple tracks into one to turn it into a duet:

vocal_agah = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(vocal['signal'], vocal['fsamp'], n_steps=-7)

# Well, we'd need a Lyric Soprano for this
# vocal_brightman = librosa.effects.pitch_shift(vocal['signal'], vocal['fsamp'], n_steps=12)

make_audio(vocal['signal'] + vocal_agah,vocal['fsamp'])

👾 Final boss

Use functions we wrote in this notebook, librosa.effects.pitch_shift(), librosa.effects.time_stretch() and your NumPy skills to make your own remix of MRI-flavored Sunrise!

Here is my remix!

duet = load_audio('../REMIX/SUNRISE_VERSE1_DUET.wav')

💁‍♀️🎙 + 🎸 + 🧲🔊 + 💻

THE Exercise

So many possible combinations:


Number of files




Time-domain impulse responses for different reverb effects.



Acoustic noise of various pulse sequences and some other sounds from the MRI room.



Guitar layer of Sunrise. (Verse1 and the whole song)



Vocals & back-vocals recorded by Bengu Aktas (Verse 1 and the whole song).

Chord durations for verse 1

Time intervals are given with reference to WavGuitar/SUNRISE_GUITAR.wav.

You’ll need to use the following information to remix using 3D-SPGR. If you’d like to use other sequences, you’ll need to come up with your own pitch correction steps!

  1. Using a single sequence file (e.g., AFI.wav for all chords), just find out how many steps you need to pitch up/down with reference to A#2 (116Hz) (hint: see Test your musical ear exercise above). You can transpose the remainign chords from there as you ‘instrument’ is tuned :) You can find respective frequencies in the table below.

  2. If you’d like to use different sequence sounds for different chords (e.g. SHIM.wav for A#2 and LOC_SSFP.wav for D#3), then you’ll need to repeat (1) for each wav file.

Pitch correction factors for `3D SPGR`

The following table and color-annotated lyrics of the first verse contain neccesary information to harmoniously remix Sunrise guitar & vocal tracks with the acoustic noise of NORAH JONES sequence made at each TR:

Tonic Note



Pitch Shift

Color Code

Wav file


116 Hz


⬆️ 3 halftones*




155 Hz






130 Hz






103 Hz


⬇️ 1 halftone



Share your art & the code to re-generate it

Once you are happy with your masterpiece, share it with us!

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Create a new directory under the REMIX folder. For example REMIX/your_name.

  3. Put your *.wav output and the notebook that generates it in the folder.

  4. Commit your changes

  5. Send a Pull Request to agahkarakuzu/sunrise

Who knows, maybe we can play them at the Highlights Party next year in London!

📚 Useful resources


Other fun resources to learn Python basics for scientific computing

EarSketch is a must see!

Create an account, use any wav file you like from this repository and improve your Python skills as you make music with MRI sounds!


This GitHub repository is full of notebooks dedicated for digital signal processing in Python. Allen Downey’s SciPy 2015 talk was a great source of inspiration for me to come up with this course. Thank you Allen!

Time to say goodbye to 1D with an impeccable harmony with an octave leap.

from IPython.display import IFrame
vid = IFrame('',560,315)


We dealth with acoustic dissonance quite a bit. Let’s move on with magnetic resonance.