🧠 Brain imaging data structure¢


BIDS is a neuroimaging data standard.

Import pybidsΒΆ

This is a Python module to query BIDS-formatted data.

from bids import BIDSLayout
import os
import numpy as np
# BIDS dataset is located at the Image folder
data_path = '../Image'

Create a layout objectΒΆ

This object will enable us to make queries to fetch file names using subject IDs, modalities or using BIDS entity values such as chord1 as in acq-chord1.

However, it does not come with readers. To that end, we will use nibabel.

layout = BIDSLayout(data_path)
/Users/agah/opt/anaconda3/envs/jbnew/lib/python3.6/site-packages/bids/layout/models.py:152: FutureWarning: The 'extension' entity currently excludes the leading dot ('.'). As of version 0.14.0, it will include the leading dot. To suppress this warning and include the leading dot, use `bids.config.set_option('extension_initial_dot', True)`.

Import nibabelΒΆ

This is a highly popular Python package for working with common neuroimaging file formats. You can see user documentation here.

import nibabel as nib

Fetch the nii image that belongs to the chord1 acquisitionΒΆ

Remember that we have 4 chords in Sunrise by Norah Jones. In the first notebook, we studied the sounds made by these different TRs in detail. Now it is time to see images generated while these notes were being played.

As there is not a BIDS entity for varying TRs, I used freeform acq entity to distinguish these files. As suffix, I used T1w, just for the sake of creating an example dataset.

The [0] in the end is because layout.get returns a list, and we need a single entry to load data using nibabel.

# You can imagine why this layout is useful for larger datasets
chord1 = layout.get(subject='ismrm', extension='nii.gz', suffix='T1w', return_type='file', acquisition='chord1')[0]
You will see that chord1 is type Nifti1Image. It contains some information about affine transformation, data shape, orientation etc.
chord1 = nib.load(chord1)
To extract the "image part" of the Nifti, we need to use get_fdata() method of nibabel.
chord1_im is an ndarray.
chord1_im = chord1.get_fdata()
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.imshow(chord1_im,color_continuous_scale='viridis')

NumPy matrix operationsΒΆ

We already know how to manipulate arrays, but what about matrices?

Crop the matrixΒΆ

As you noticed image is closer to the right side of the display plane. Let’s try cropping it first to center it.

fig = px.imshow(chord1_im[10:90,20:100],color_continuous_scale='viridis')

Looks good! Now, let’s transform this matrix into a 1D array, perform this cropping on that array and reshape it back to a 90X90 image.

To convert a matrix into an array (vectorization), we can use np.flatten(), which by default flattens matrices in row-major (C-style) order.

chord1_arry = chord1_im.flatten()


Crop the vectorized image (1D) at the same locations we cropped the matrix (chord1_im[10:90,20:100])

In row dimension, we omitted the first and last 10 elements from the matrix. To achieve this in an array, we need to drop 0th, 100th, 200th … elements from the array to begin with the rows… Dropping those elements would shift the array by 10 elements, now what about the ones at the end of each row… 🀯 But wait… Do we need to actully think about this? Of course not!

That’s when we can use np.meshgrid and numpy.ravel_multi_index methods.

This should create a (2,80,80) matrix. The first matrix (xy_idx[0,:,:]) stores the row, and the second
one stores the column indexes corresponding to the slicing by [10:90,20:100].

Axis corrdinates vs matrix coordinates. 

We pass indexing='ij' argument for NumPy NOT TO transpose our matrix. Documentation reads:
In the 2-D case with inputs of length M and N, the outputs are of shape (N, M) for β€˜xy’ indexing 
and (M, N) for β€˜ij’ indexing. 
xy_idx = np.array(np.meshgrid(np.arange(10,90),np.arange(20,100),indexing='ij'))

# Here, we find "linear (flattened) indexes of our 2D slice"
lin_idx = np.ravel_multi_index([xy_idx[0,:,:],xy_idx[1,:,:]], (100,100)).flatten()

# Take elements indexed by lin_idx from the flattened image
cropped = chord1_arry[lin_idx]

# Reshape cropped image (80,80)
cropped = cropped.reshape(80,80)

# Display the image
fig = px.imshow(cropped,color_continuous_scale='viridis')
To prove ourselves we did the right thing, let's subtract matrix-cropped and array-corrped 
images from each other and display them.

Now try the same thing after dropping indexing='ij' argument from the np.meshgrid function. 

dif = chord1_im[10:90,20:100] - cropped


If you are wondering why I tortured you with linearized indexing as the first 2D example, I have a great blog post suggestion for you: Look Ma, No For-Loops: Array Programming With NumPy

When it comes to computation, there are really three concepts that lend NumPy its power:

  • Vectorization

  • Broadcasting

  • Indexing

Now you know vectorization and how to map matrix indexes onto linearized indexes. To go from linear to vector indexes, you can use np.unravel_index.

We already know broadcasting and indexing from the first notebook. Looks like you know how to make the most out of NumPy now!

The Rolling PhantomΒΆ

We will rotate our image by 10 degrees 36 times, and stack those images together to create an animation using Plotly :)

from scipy import ndimage, misc
# Let's work with the cropped image
chord1_im = chord1_im = chord1.get_fdata()[10:90,20:100]

# This is how you can rotate an image by 30 degrees
img_rot = ndimage.rotate(chord1_im, 30,reshape=False)

fig = px.imshow(img_rot,color_continuous_scale='viridis')
frames = []
for rot in np.arange(10,360,10):
    cur = ndimage.rotate(chord1_im,rot,reshape=False)

frames = np.array(frames)
(35, 80, 80)
fig = px.imshow(frames,color_continuous_scale='viridis', animation_frame=0,template='plotly_dark')

In the example above, we initialized a list (frames) to create a collection of 2D image stacks in a Python list, then we used np.array() create a numpy object of it. This approach works fairly well. Depending on the dimension orders you want, you can use np.reshape:

frames_reshaped = frames.reshape([80,35,80])
(80, 35, 80)

NumPy also provides some functions to stack array/matrix data.

def get_chord_im(acq_val):
    chord = layout.get(subject='ismrm', extension='nii.gz', suffix='T1w', return_type='file', acquisition=acq_val)[0]
    chord = nib.load(chord)
    chord_im = chord.get_fdata()
    return chord_im
chord1 = get_chord_im('chord1')
chord2 = get_chord_im('chord2')
chord3 = get_chord_im('chord3')
chord4 = get_chord_im('chord4')

ch12_dim0 = np.stack((chord1, chord2))
ch12_dim1 = np.stack((chord1, chord2), axis=1)
ch12_dim2 = np.stack((chord1, chord2), axis=2)

# You can define along which axis the images will be stacked
print('Default np.stack axis: ', ch12_dim0.shape,
      '\nnp.stack axis=1: ', ch12_dim1.shape,
      '\nnp.stack axis=2: ', ch12_dim2.shape,
Default np.stack axis:  (2, 100, 100) 
np.stack axis=1:  (100, 2, 100) 
np.stack axis=2:  (100, 100, 2)
# Stack all chord images using np.dstack on the last axis

stack = np.dstack((chord1, chord2, chord3, chord4))

(100, 100, 4)

Intensity vs TRΒΆ


We will define sphere’s center manually (thanks to interactive plots) & plot how intensity changes across TRs.

import plotly.graph_objects as go
# Define sphere point locations
# I listed these points by hovering over the image. Note that x and y locations 
# displayed on hover must be transposed while slicing the matrix. Again, axis coordinates
# vs matrix coordinates. 

sphere_centers = {"x": [39,43,53,66,76,80,76,66,54,43], "y": [51,63,70,70,62,50,40,31,31,39],"T1":["T1: 1989ms","T1: 1454ms","T1: 984ms","T1: 706ms","T1: 496ms","T1: 351ms","T1: 247ms","T1: 175ms","T1: 125ms","T1: 89ms"]}

fig = px.imshow(stack,color_continuous_scale='viridis', animation_frame=2,template='plotly_dark')
# This is how we simply slice our stack to see signal change across 4 TRs in 10 spheres
# Pay attention to the order of x and y
signal_vs_tr = stack[sphere_centers['y'],sphere_centers['x'],:]
(10, 4)

Read metadata using BIDS layout & json to extract TRsΒΆ

import json

TRs = list()
for acq_val in ['chord1','chord2','chord3','chord4']:
    f = open(layout.get(subject='ismrm', extension='json', suffix='T1w', return_type='file', acquisition=acq_val)[0],)
    cur_meta = json.load(f)

TRs = np.array(TRs)
print('TRs are: ', TRs)

# Sort them and obtain sorted idxs (ASCENDING ORDER)
sort_index = np.argsort(TRs)
sorted_TR = np.sort(TRs)
print('Sort idxs are: ', sort_index)
print('Sorted TRs are: ', sorted_TR)
TRs are:  [12.9  13.1   9.6  14.45]
Sort idxs are:  [2 0 1 3]
Sorted TRs are:  [ 9.6  12.9  13.1  14.45]
import pandas as pd

# List comprehension is a powerful python feature. 
# Here, we use it to create a string for tagging pandas dataframe colums 
# with the respective TRs.
trlist = ["TR:" + s for s in sorted_TR.astype(str)]

# Using the sort index, we are re-arranging the order of intensity values.
result=[signal_vs_tr[:,i] for i in sort_index]
# Create a numpy object 
result = np.array(result)
# Convert numpy matrix's transpose into a pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame(result.T, columns = trlist)
df["Spheres"] = ['S1','S2','S3','S4','S5','S6','S7','S8','S9','S10']
df["T1ms"]     = sphere_centers["T1"]
TR:9.6 TR:12.9 TR:13.1 TR:14.45 Spheres T1ms
0 35.933998 42.324436 51.797997 51.737488 S1 T1: 1989ms
1 28.563639 35.146420 42.331879 42.831345 S2 T1: 1454ms
2 51.120193 58.144920 70.364265 73.366005 S3 T1: 984ms
3 74.845688 82.621803 99.706100 101.615364 S4 T1: 706ms
4 86.763771 98.180611 116.746811 119.506844 S5 T1: 496ms
5 114.220634 124.526093 143.286072 143.631805 S6 T1: 351ms
6 135.518066 147.014587 160.500122 162.734619 S7 T1: 247ms
7 166.540436 181.886307 203.226700 206.559708 S8 T1: 175ms
8 185.687653 199.892456 219.572647 221.383881 S9 T1: 125ms
9 216.587341 228.961288 244.787857 248.011429 S10 T1: 89ms
fig = px.line(df,x="Spheres",y=["TR:9.6","TR:12.9","TR:13.1","TR:14.45"],template='plotly_dark',hover_name="T1ms")
fig.update_layout(hovermode="x unified")